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Welcome to our guide on “How to wash Lovesac blankets” – because even the coziest companions need a little TLC! Whether you’ve got a plush Sactional Throw, Supersac Blanket, or other snuggly creation, maintaining cleanliness is key to enjoying that velvety softness. In this quick read, we’ll share hassle-free tips for washing your Lovesac blanket, ensuring it stays as fresh as the day you fell in love with it. Let’s dive into the easy steps to keep your cherished blanket clean, comfy, and ready for the next movie night or lazy Sunday afternoon.

Understanding How to Wash Lovesac Blanket

Lovesac blankets are renowned for their luxurious comfort and cozy appeal, making it essential to delve into the intricacies of their materials. By understanding the fabric composition and meticulously adhering to care labels and manufacturer instructions, you can ensure the longevity and continued plushness of your Lovesac blanket.

A. Identifying the Fabric Composition of Lovesac Blankets:

Lovesac blankets may come in various fabric compositions, each contributing to the distinct feel and characteristics of the blanket. Common materials include plush fleece, microfiber, or a blend of fabrics designed to provide optimal softness and warmth. To identify the fabric composition, inspect the product description or packaging when purchasing the blanket. Lovesac typically offers detailed information on the materials used, allowing you to choose a blanket that aligns with your preferences.

B. Checking Care Labels and Manufacturer’s Instructions:

Once in possession of your Lovesac blanket, the care labels and manufacturer’s instructions become invaluable guides for proper maintenance. Care labels are often attached to the blanket and provide essential information regarding washing, drying, and overall care. Manufacturer instructions may offer additional insights specific to the unique qualities of the chosen fabric. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with these guidelines to prevent unintended damage or alterations to the blanket’s texture and appearance.

If, for instance, your Lovesac blanket is made from plush fleece, the care instructions may recommend gentle machine washing with a mild detergent, avoiding bleach or fabric softeners. Similarly, microfiber blankets may have specific guidelines regarding temperature settings and drying methods. Adhering to these instructions ensures that the blanket remains as sumptuous and inviting as the day you acquired it.

Preparing for Washing

How to Wash Lovesac Blanket

Embarking on the journey of how to wash lovesac blanket requires thoughtful preparation to ensure the process is both effective and gentle on the fabric. By gathering the necessary supplies and addressing any stains or spills beforehand, you set the stage for a thorough yet careful cleaning routine.

A. Gathering Necessary Supplies:

Before initiating the washing process, gather the essential supplies to facilitate a seamless and efficient experience. Here’s a checklist of items you’ll need:

  • Mild Detergent: Opt for a mild, gentle detergent to preserve the softness and color vibrancy of your Lovesac blanket. Harsh chemicals or strong detergents can compromise the integrity of the fabric.
  • Cold Water: Lovesac blankets often respond well to cold water, which helps prevent color bleeding and minimizes the risk of shrinkage. For advice on what temperature is best, consult the care label.
  • Soft-Bristle Brush or Sponge: For spot cleaning or addressing localized stains, having a soft-bristle brush or sponge on hand is beneficial. This guarantees that stains will be treated gently yet effectively without causing harm to the fabric.

B. Spot Treating Any Stains or Spills Before Washing:

Prior to submerging the entire blanket in water, take a moment to spot treat any stains or spills. Using a tailored strategy enables you to focus on particular areas that might need more attention. Here’s a step-by-step process:

  • Identify Stains: Thoroughly inspect the blanket for any visible stains or spills. Note the nature of the stains, as different types may require specific treatment methods.
  • Prepare Spot Treatment Solution: Combine a little amount of cold water and mild detergent. Make sure there are no residues on the cloth by thoroughly dissolving the detergent in the water.
  • Apply Gently: Dip the soft-bristle brush or sponge into the spot treatment solution and apply it gently to the stained areas. The cloth fibers might be harmed by hard scrubbing, so avoid doing it.
  • Blot or Pat Dry: After spot treating, use a clean, dry cloth to blot or pat the treated areas to remove excess moisture. This stage facilitates the general drying process and helps stop the stain from spreading.

Machine Washing

How to Wash Lovesac Blanket

Machine washing your cherished Lovesac blanket requires a delicate touch to preserve its plushness and vibrant appeal. You can guarantee a thorough yet delicate washing process that keeps the fabric’s integrity intact by adhering to a set of well thought-out methods.

A. Setting the Washing Machine to a Gentle or Delicate Cycle:

Choose a mild or delicate cycle on your washing machine to start the washing procedure. This setting minimizes the agitation and spinning action, reducing the risk of unnecessary stress on the fabric. Lovesac blankets, known for their luxurious textures, respond well to these milder cycles that prioritize the preservation of their softness and overall quality.

B. Adding a Small Amount of Mild Detergent:

Add a tiny bit of gentle detergent to the washing machine’s detergent section. The goal is to use just enough detergent to lift dirt and impurities without overwhelming the fabric. Excessive detergent can leave residues and compromise the plush feel of the blanket. For further instructions on the amount of detergent to use, consult the care label.

C. Placing the Lovesac Blanket in a Mesh Laundry Bag for Protection:

To safeguard the Lovesac blanket during the washing process, consider placing it inside a mesh laundry bag. This additional layer of protection prevents excessive friction between the blanket and the washing machine drum. It is particularly useful for blankets with delicate trims or embellishments, ensuring they remain intact and undamaged throughout the cycle.

D. Running the Washing Machine on a Cold Water Setting:

For washing Lovesac blankets, cold water is recommended since it reduces the possibility of shrinking and helps preserve color vibrancy. Adjust the water temperature setting on the washing machine to cold before initiating the cycle. In addition to being kind to the fibers, cold water effectively removes dirt and stains, extending the life of the fabric and encouraging cleanliness.

Once all settings are in place, initiate the washing machine cycle, allowing it to complete the designated gentle or delicate program. As the machine works its magic, the Lovesac blanket undergoes a rejuvenating cleanse, emerging refreshed and ready to provide cozy comfort once again.

Hand Washing

How to Wash Lovesac Blanket

Hand washing your Lovesac blanket is a tactile and meticulous approach, ensuring that every inch of the fabric receives personalized care. This method, when executed with a gentle touch and the right supplies, allows for a thorough cleanse while preserving the plushness and texture that define Lovesac blankets.

A. Filling a Basin or Tub with Cold Water:

Commence the hand washing process by preparing a basin or tub filled with cold water. Cold water is preferred for Lovesac blankets as it aids in maintaining the vibrancy of colors and prevents potential shrinkage. The basin should be spacious enough to accommodate the blanket without excessive crowding, allowing for thorough cleaning.

B. Mixing in a Small Amount of Mild Detergent:

Add a small amount of mild detergent to the cold water, ensuring it is well-dissolved before introducing the Lovesac blanket. Opt for a detergent known for its gentle formulation, avoiding harsh chemicals or additives that may compromise the fabric’s softness. Adjust the quantity based on the size of the blanket and any specific recommendations provided on the care label.

C. Gently Agitating the Blanket in the Water:

Allow the Lovesac blanket to absorb the cleaning solution by submerging it in the soapy water. Using your hands, gently stir the water to make sure the detergent gets into every fiber of the cloth. This gentle movement aids in dislodging dirt and impurities without subjecting the blanket to harsh scrubbing. Take care to maintain a delicate touch, respecting the plushness of the fabric.

D. Using a Soft-Bristle Brush or Sponge for Targeted Cleaning:

For areas that require special attention or spot cleaning, use a sponge or brush with delicate bristles. Gently apply soapy water to the designated areas using a brush or sponge. This targeted approach allows for effective cleaning without compromising the overall texture of the blanket. To avoid damaging the cloth, don’t apply too much pressure.

After you have finished washing your hands, empty the soapy water and replace it with cold, fresh water in the sink or bathtub. Rinse the blanket thoroughly, ensuring that all detergent is removed. To avoid distorting the cloth, gently press out any extra water without wringing it out.


The rinsing phase of washing your beloved Lovesac blanket is a pivotal step in ensuring that it emerges from the cleansing process free of detergent residues and thoroughly refreshed. By employing a meticulous approach and utilizing cold water, you contribute to the preservation of the blanket’s plushness and vibrant qualities.

A. Thoroughly Rinsing the Lovesac Blanket with Cold Water:

Once the hand washing or machine washing cycle is complete, proceed to the rinsing phase by thoroughly immersing the Lovesac blanket in cold water. To preserve the integrity of the fabric, cold water is still the recommended option for rinsing. Cold water effectively removes any remaining detergent while minimizing the risk of color bleeding or shrinkage. Make sure the blanket is completely immersed so the water seeps into each fiber.

B. Ensuring All Detergent is Completely Washed Out:

During the rinsing process, pay careful attention to the water’s clarity, as this is indicative of detergent removal. Gently agitate the blanket in the cold water, aiding the rinsing process by dislodging any lingering detergent particles. Repeat the rinsing steps as necessary until the water runs clear, indicating the absence of detergent residues. Thorough rinsing is paramount to prevent detergent buildup, which could compromise the softness and texture of the Lovesac blanket.

For machine washing, consider running an additional rinse cycle to guarantee comprehensive detergent removal. If hand washing, change the water in the basin or tub multiple times until the rinse water remains crystal clear. Be patient and deliberate in this phase, as ensuring all detergent is washed out sets the stage for the blanket’s optimal cleanliness and longevity.

Drying Lovesac Blanket

How to Wash Lovesac Blanket

The drying phase is a crucial juncture in the care routine for your Lovesac blanket, where thoughtful choices contribute to maintaining its plush texture and overall quality. By opting for a gentle drying approach, incorporating dryer balls, and consulting the manufacturer’s instructions for air-drying recommendations, you ensure that your cherished blanket emerges from the drying process as inviting and luxurious as ever.

A. Choosing a Low Heat or No-Heat Setting on the Dryer:

When using a dryer to dry your Lovesac blanket, exercise prudence in selecting the appropriate heat setting. Opt for a low heat or, if available, a no-heat setting to mitigate the risk of heat-related damage. Lovesac blankets, crafted for their sumptuous feel, benefit from a gentle drying environment. The low heat option ensures thorough drying without subjecting the fabric to excessive temperatures, preserving its softness and vibrancy.

B. Adding Dryer Balls or Tennis Balls to Maintain Fluffiness:

Improve the drying process by placing the Lovesac blanket and dryer balls or clean tennis balls inside the dryer. These additions serve as natural fluffers, preventing the fabric from clumping and helping maintain its fluffiness. The gentle tumbling action created by the balls fosters even drying and prevents the formation of flat or uneven areas. This step is particularly beneficial for blankets with intricate textures or designs.

C. Checking Manufacturer’s Instructions for Air-Drying Recommendations:

For those who prefer or are guided by manufacturer instructions to air-dry their Lovesac blanket, take heed of specific recommendations. Lay the blanket flat on a clean, dry surface with sufficient ventilation, ensuring that it is evenly spread to facilitate thorough drying. Some Lovesac blankets may have features or embellishments that require air-drying for optimal preservation. To find out if air-drying is the suggested technique for your particular blanket, consult the care label or manufacturer’s instructions.

If utilizing a dryer, monitor the drying process periodically, checking for dryness without overexposing the blanket to prolonged heat. Before storing or reusing the blanket after air drying, be sure it has had enough time to dry thoroughly.

Avoiding Fabric Softeners and Bleach

How to Wash Lovesac Blanket

Preserving the pristine quality and luxurious feel of your Lovesac blanket involves mindful choices in the care products you introduce during the washing process. Specifically, steering clear of fabric softeners and bleach emerges as a crucial practice to safeguard the integrity of the fabric, colors, and overall longevity of your cherished blanket.

A. Highlighting the Potential Damage Caused by Fabric Softeners:

Fabric softeners, while designed to impart a soft and smooth texture to fabrics, can have adverse effects on certain materials, including those used in Lovesac blankets. These softening agents often contain additives that may leave residues on the fabric, compromising its natural plushness. Moreover, the chemicals in fabric softeners can diminish the blanket’s absorbency, impacting its ability to wick away moisture. Over time, consistent use of fabric softeners may contribute to a buildup that detracts from the original sumptuous feel of the blanket

Lovesac blankets, crafted with precision to provide an indulgent experience, fare best when treated with mild detergents that maintain their inherent softness without introducing potentially harmful residues. By avoiding fabric softeners, you prioritize the longevity and natural texture that define the allure of your Lovesac blanket.

B. Advising Against the Use of Bleach to Preserve Colors and Fabric Integrity:

Bleach, a powerful cleaning agent, is not recommended for Lovesac blankets due to its potential to cause irreversible damage to both colors and fabric integrity. Bleach can strip away the vibrant hues of the blanket, leading to fading and discoloration. Additionally, the harsh nature of bleach may weaken the fabric fibers, compromising the overall structure and longevity of the blanket.

Preserving the colors of your Lovesac blanket is integral to maintaining its visual appeal and aesthetic charm. Choosing a mild detergent specifically formulated for delicate fabrics and colors ensures effective cleaning without subjecting the blanket to the abrasive effects of bleach. You are actively contributing to the long-term vitality and structural integrity of your cherished blanket by following this method.

Storage and Care Tips

Ensuring the longevity and pristine condition of your beloved Lovesac blanket extends beyond the washing and drying phases. Thoughtful storage and regular care practices play a pivotal role in preserving the plushness and appeal of this cherished companion. By incorporating mindful steps into your storage routine and periodically addressing cleanliness, you enhance the overall lifespan and enjoyment of your Lovesac blanket.

A. Folding and Storing the Lovesac Blanket in a Dry, Cool Place:

Proper storage is a key determinant in maintaining the exquisite qualities of your Lovesac blanket. After ensuring that the blanket is completely dry post-washing or drying, adopt a gentle folding technique to minimize creases and maintain its original shape. Keep the folded blanket out of direct sunlight and in a cool, dry area. Optimal conditions involve avoiding areas prone to humidity, as excess moisture can contribute to mildew and compromise the fabric’s integrity. If available, use a storage bag or container to shield the blanket from dust, ensuring it remains in pristine condition until its next use.

B. Periodic Cleaning to Prevent Dirt Buildup:

Periodic cleaning, even in the absence of visible stains, is a proactive measure to prevent dirt buildup and maintain the freshness of your Lovesac blanket. To get rid of any dust and loose particles, give the blanket a little shake or brush outside. This practice minimizes the need for extensive cleaning sessions and contributes to the overall cleanliness and appeal of the blanket. Consider rotating the blanket periodically within its storage space to expose different sections to air circulation, preventing any mustiness that may arise from prolonged storage.

While it’s tempting to reserve your Lovesac blanket for special occasions, occasional unfurling and gentle shaking can prevent fibers from settling into a compressed state. This practice revitalizes the blanket’s fluffiness, ensuring that it remains inviting and ready for use whenever the need arises.


Wrap up your cozy adventure with our Lovesac blanket cleaning guide! You’ve not only preserved the luxurious quality of your blanket but also extended its lifespan by adhering to these easy procedures. Keep snuggling, knowing your favorite blanket is fresh, clean, and ready for many more comfort-filled moments. For ongoing care, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions, and feel free to explore other tips on our site. Happy washing and even happier snuggling!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How to wash lovesac blanket without any damage?

Answer: To wash your Lovesac blanket without damage, follow these steps: Use gentle cycle with cold water for machine-safe blankets. Hand wash delicate items in lukewarm water. Air-dry flat, avoid bleach, and act quickly on stains. Your blanket will stay soft and cozy!

Q2. Can I machine wash my Lovesac blanket?

Answer: Absolutely! Most Lovesac blankets are machine-friendly. To maintain it spotless, use cold water, a moderate cycle, and light detergent.

Q3. What if my blanket has stubborn stains?

Answer: Act swiftly! Check our stain removal tips in the guide. Quick action with the right remedies can save your blanket from tough spots.

Q4. Is it safe to use bleach on my Lovesac blanket?

Answer: Not recommended. Stick to mild detergents to preserve the softness. Harsh chemicals like bleach can damage the fabric.

Q5. Can I toss my Lovesac blanket in the dryer?

Answer: Certainly! With machine-safe blankets, use dryer balls to tumble dry on low heat. Delicate fabrics? Opt for air-drying to maintain their plushness.

Q6. How often should I wash my Lovesac blanket?

Answer: Irrespective of usage, the standard guideline is every two to three months. More if spills or stains occur. Regular washing keeps it fresh for all your cozy moments!

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